Being Independent

I am registered to vote as “No Party Preference” (NPP).  NPP is casually referred to as ‘independent’, which is an accurate reflection of my posture as a candidate.

I am INDEPENDENT of any political party affiliation and won’t be controlled by party officials, be they Democrat, Republican, or anything else. My primary allegiance is to the people of my district and of Encinitas.

I am also INDEPENDENT of other candidates running for office. I am not coordinating my campaign with others. Because I am unable to know which candidates will win in November, my intention is to keep my preferences to myself and cast my secret ballot, so that I can start my term of office on good terms with whomever else is elected.

Our City Council needs members who work hard to understand complex issues, have a willingness to listen to and engage with residents, maintain a civil respect for the opinions of others, and have the confidence needed to engage in productive public debate.  That’s the kind of Council representative I will be.